The Chemistry Exam Tutor

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The Chemistry Exam Tutor

Welcome to the dedicated page where we outline our unique and effective methods for online chemistry tutoring.

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I am a teacher with 30-years experience teaching chemistry to GCSE, A’level & International Baccalaureate Diploma.

My teaching career has been split between teaching in international schools in Europe, South East Asia, Central America & Africa, and at secondary schools in England.

I have been an examiner for Chemistry for AQA, OCR, Edexcel & the IBO since the early 2000's. I find that understanding exactly how exams are marked has been invaluable to me when providing on-going feedback, setting appropriate challenges and teaching students how to get the most they can out of an exam.

Having retired from classroom teaching I now dedicate my time tutoring chemistry to all levels online & offering UCAS mock interviews.

BSc - Chemistry (Bristol University)
PGCE - Secondary Science (Manchester University)
Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
Enhanced DBS certificate
Ellie Ninham
Natural Scientist

Dan tutored me for 5 years. He encouraged a critical and independent learning style, and I believe his input towards my learning undoubtedly helped me to receive my offer from Cambridge University to study Natural Sciences. Best wishes, Ellie 8/1/24

James Curry
Senior Lab Technician

Dan was my Chemistry teacher for the whole of my A Levels. I used to be a very poor student, getting D and E grades in most assessments. Thanks to Dan, I managed to turn that around and push my grades up. Now I'm a first class university graduate. I never would've gotten this far if it wasn't for his help. Since university I have been working closely with Dan on a day to day basis, and I can confidently say that he is still a fantastic teacher.

Joe Thompson
Junior Doctor

I was a pupil under Dan from 2018-2019 during my final year of A level chemistry at The Thomas Hardye School, Dorchester, Dorset. Dan is a fantastically driven and passionate chemistry teacher with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Throughout my time as a pupil of his, he guided me through the subject, building the confidence and knowledge needed to achieve an A* in chemistry A level.

Physical scientist

Dan tutored me for 5 years from year 9 to year 13. He was consistently approachable, patient and extremely knowledgeable in answering any questions I had.

Event Organiser

Dan's explanations are always clear and comprehensive. This boosted my confidence in Chemistry abd really helped me access the higher level questions. I was able to achieve A* at both GCSE and A Level.

Caleb Morris

Dan is a fantastic teacher. His teaching style is not just informative but engaging. I looked forward to his lessons and my grades got much better.


Mr Almond was my science teacher for 3 years whilst at Thomas Hardye School. His ability to explain complex subjects with diagrams and anecdotes allowed myself and other students in his class to grasp material thoroughly. By using a mixture of practical experiments, traditional lessons and student-led reading, Dan invested time in understanding the needs of the classroom and tailoring a teaching approach to promote curiosity and problem-solving.

Liam Hammilton
Book Keeper

Excellent tutor! Dan is an approachable and supportive teacher, always willing to offer guidance and support to students. His enthusiasm for chemistry and teaching is contagious, and the depth and breathe of his knowledge fosters a highly positive and motivating learning environment.


Dan is an outstanding teacher, tutor and mentor. He is knowledgeable, dedicated and passionate about student’s success. He speaks pretty good Spanish, so if I had trouble understanding things he would sqitch to Spanish, which really helped.

Outdoor Ed

Good teacher, clear and concise with emphasis on practical skills and application of knowledge. Very supportive and knowledgable.

Debbie Taylor (Nathan)

Dan has an easy and relaxed manner and immediately made my sone feel at ease. His approach as to what was needed was good. Mainly exam technique and how to look at a questions and work out what the examiner needs to see. Will be giving you a call for A2!

  • Weymouth, England, United Kingdom

Please leave a brief message, stating which COURSE you are studying (GCSE/IGCSE/A'Level, IB), the EXAM BOARD (AQA, OCR, Edexcel, IBO, etc) together your AVAILABILITY and I'll get straight back to you to arrange your first FREE session